1. Address of His Holiness Pope Francis, Presentation of the Christmas greetings to the Roman Curia (22 December 2016)
  2. Apostolic constitution Ex corde ecclesiae (John Paul II, 15 August 1990)
  3. Apostolic constitution Evangelii gaudium (Francis, 24 November 2013)
  4. Apostolic constitution Pastor bonus (John Paul II, 28 June 1988)
  5. Apostolic constitution Sapientia christiana (John Paul II, 15 April 1979)
  6. Apostolic constitution Veritatis gaudium on Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties (Francis, 8 December 2017)
  7. Chirographum (Benedict XVI, 19 September 2007) See page 12
  8. Conventio/Agreement between the HOLY SEE and the Republic of Lithuania on co-operation in education and culture
  9. Code of Canon Law
  10. Document on “Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together”
  11. General Rules of the Roman Curia/Regolamento generale della Curia Romana (30 April 1999) – only in Italian
  12. Gravissimum Educationis Foundation website
  13. Lecture by Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran on the theme “The Presence of the Holy See in the International Organizations”
  14. Letter of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to HE Secretary of State Cardinal Agostino Casaroli, November 20th 1982/Lettera di Giovanni Paolo II al Cardinale Segretario di Stato Agostino Casaroli (only in Italian)
  15. Motu proprio (apostolic letter issued motu proprio), Fidelis dispensator et prudens (Francis, 24 February 2014)
  16. Motu proprio, Law on the Government of Vatican City State (Francis, 25 November 2018)
  17. Motu proprio, Statutes of the Secretariat for Communication (Francis, 6 September, 2016)
  18. Vatican City State website
  19. Vincenzo Buonomo, “The Holy See in the contemporary international relation. A juridical approach following the international law and praxis” in “CIVITAS ET IUSTITIA” Review of the Faculty of Law of the Pontifical Lateran University, II (2004), pp. 7-40
  20. CCE/Congregation for Catholic Education, Circular Letter n° 1/2018
  21. CCE, Educatio catholica 3/2017 “Agency for the Evaluation and Promotion of Quality” (Hard Copy)
  22. CCE, Letter of Appointment of the AVEPRO President to the Commission for the implementation of the Apostolic constitution Veritatis gaudium (Hard Copy)
  23. CCE, Reform of the Higher Institutes of Religious Sciences (28 June 2008)
  24. CCE, Qualifications framework
  25. CCE website
  26. Ecclesiastical Institutions database, specific section of the CEC website
  27. BOE/Boletín Oficial del Estado num.276, Real Decreto 1619/2011
  28. CCXIV General Chapter of the Order of the Servants of Mary (October 2019) Commission on the Pontifical Theological Faculty “Marianum” (Hard Copy)
  29. Conference of the Rectors’ of the Pontifical Roman Universities – Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Pontificie Romane/CRUIPRO website
  30. EHEA Bologna Policy Forum, Statement of the fifth Bologna Policy Forum
  31. EHEA Bologna Policy Forum, ministerial declarations and communiqués
  32. EHEA, Paris Communiqué adopted at the EHEA Ministerial Conference in Paris (25th May 2018)
  33. ENQA, EQArep/Transparency of European Higher Education Through Public Quality Assurance Reports – Final report of the project
  34. ENQA, HAQAA/Transparency of European Higher Education Through Public Quality Assurance Reports – Final report of the project
  35. Episcopal Conference –Italy/Conferenza Episcopale Italiana website
  36. Episcopal Conference –France/Conférence des évêques de France website
  37. Episcopal Conference –Spain/Conferencia Episcopal Española website
  38. EQAF title: “Quality and trust: at the heart of what we do”
  39. EUA website
  40. EUA, 2019: Quality Assurance in Africa, Asia and Europe: differences and similarities, by T. Loukkola
  41. European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, 2018. The European Higher Education Area in 2018: Bologna Process Implementation Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union
  42. European Commission/The Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area website
  43. EU-SHARE/European Union support to Higher Education in the Asean Region website
  44. INQAAHE Guidelines of Good Practice (revised edition 2016)
  45. International Federation of Catholic Universities/IFUC – Fédération Internationale des Universités Catholiques/FIUC website
  46. IPSAS standards – IPSAS Board website
  47. LAS, Salesianum 1/LXXXI/2019 (ianuarius-martius) “Veritatis gaudium”, Riccardo Cinquegrani “Quality in relation to certain challenges introduced by Veritatis gaudium”
  48. NAKVIS-AVEPRO Memorandum of understanding
  49. NOKUT, Quality areas for study programmes (Hard Copy)
  50. SUPR/Studenti delle Università Pontificie Romane/Students of the Roman Pontifical Universities website
  51. UKÄ, Seminar “Universities in defence of science and common good”
  52. Union des Etablissements d’Enseignement Supérieur Catholique/UDESCA website
  53. AVEPRO website
  54. Analysis of the External Evaluation reports 2014-2017 (Hard Copy)
  55. Analysis of evaluation reports 2012-2014 (Hard Copy)
  56. Annual Report 2014
  57. Annual Report 2015
  58. Annual Report 2016
  59. Annual Report 2017
  60. Annual Report 2018
  61. Annual Report 2019
  62. Briefings and Agendas 2018-2019 (Hard Copy)
  63. Budgets 2015-2019 (Hard Copy)
  64. Economic documents (Hard Copy)
  65. Elements for a “Mid-term” Self-Assessment
  66. ESG 2015: Comparative analysis of Guidelines among European QA Agencies
  67. Evaluation of the HE Ecclesiastical Institutions located in Rome (2015, Hard Copy)
  68. Evaluation report TEMPLATE (Hard Copy)
  69. Experts database (Hard Copy)
  70. Follow up Reports on ENQA Site Visit (2014 and 2016)
  71. Nature, context, purpose, standards and procedures of Quality evaluation and promotion
  72. Guidelines for External Evaluation
  73. Guidelines for Self-Evaluation
  74. Guidelines on Strategic Planning
  75. Ecclesiastical higher education system in the global world Rationales of AVEPRO evaluation system
  76. Insights for the development of Institutional Strategic Plans
  77. Insights for the evaluation of PhD
  78. Minutes of the 10th Board of Directors meeting (Hard Copy)
  79. Minutes of the 9th Board of Directors meeting (Hard Copy)
  80. Minutes of the 8th Board of Directors meeting (Hard Copy)
  81. Minutes of the 7th Board of Directors meeting (Hard Copy)
  82. Minutes of the 6th Board of Directors meeting (Hard Copy)
  83. Minutes of the 5th Board of Directors meeting (Hard Copy)
  84. Minutes of the 6th Scientific Council meeting (Hard Copy)
  85. Minutes of the 5th Scientific Council meeting (Hard Copy)
  86. President’s evaluation of the staff (Hard Copy)
  87. Questionnaires for self-evaluation (for teaching staff; students; service unit staff; students service unit)
  88. Report on the questionnaire 2019
  89. Statute of the Agency
  90. Self-Evaluation Report/SER FORM (Hard Copy)
  91. Self-Evaluation Report/SER analysis FORM (Hard Copy)
  92. Site visit – sample programme
  93. Strategic Plan (updated version 2019)
  94. Summary of evaluation activities at the Italian Faculties of Theology (2015, Hard Copy)
  95. Summary of evaluation activities conducted at the Ecclesiastical Academic Institutions present in Spain 2016-2018 (Hard Copy)
  96. Table of contents of the Dossier for the CCE Plenary 2020 (Hard Copy)
  97. Table of contents of the Dossier for the CCE Plenary 2017 (Hard Copy)
  98. The Regional/National procedure model
  99. Training of experts- modules (under revision)
  100. Evaluation report of the Catholic Theological Private University of Linz (2015)
  101. Evaluation report of the Theological Faculty at the Vytautas Magnus University’s/VMU (2014)
  102. Report 2020 Europe
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