- Address of His Holiness Pope Francis, Presentation of the Christmas greetings to the Roman Curia (22 December 2016)
- Apostolic constitution Ex corde ecclesiae (John Paul II, 15 August 1990)
- Apostolic constitution Evangelii gaudium (Francis, 24 November 2013)
- Apostolic constitution Pastor bonus (John Paul II, 28 June 1988)
- Apostolic constitution Sapientia christiana (John Paul II, 15 April 1979)
- Apostolic constitution Veritatis gaudium on Ecclesiastical Universities and Faculties (Francis, 8 December 2017)
- Chirographum (Benedict XVI, 19 September 2007) See page 12
- Conventio/Agreement between the HOLY SEE and the Republic of Lithuania on co-operation in education and culture
- Code of Canon Law
- Document on “Human Fraternity for World Peace and Living Together”
- General Rules of the Roman Curia/Regolamento generale della Curia Romana (30 April 1999) – only in Italian
- Gravissimum Educationis Foundation website
- Lecture by Archbishop Jean-Louis Tauran on the theme “The Presence of the Holy See in the International Organizations”
- Letter of His Holiness Pope John Paul II to HE Secretary of State Cardinal Agostino Casaroli, November 20th 1982/Lettera di Giovanni Paolo II al Cardinale Segretario di Stato Agostino Casaroli (only in Italian)
- Motu proprio (apostolic letter issued motu proprio), Fidelis dispensator et prudens (Francis, 24 February 2014)
- Motu proprio, Law on the Government of Vatican City State (Francis, 25 November 2018)
- Motu proprio, Statutes of the Secretariat for Communication (Francis, 6 September, 2016)
- Vatican City State website
- Vincenzo Buonomo, “The Holy See in the contemporary international relation. A juridical approach following the international law and praxis” in “CIVITAS ET IUSTITIA” Review of the Faculty of Law of the Pontifical Lateran University, II (2004), pp. 7-40
- CCE/Congregation for Catholic Education, Circular Letter n° 1/2018
- CCE, Educatio catholica 3/2017 “Agency for the Evaluation and Promotion of Quality” (Hard Copy)
- CCE, Letter of Appointment of the AVEPRO President to the Commission for the implementation of the Apostolic constitution Veritatis gaudium (Hard Copy)
- CCE, Reform of the Higher Institutes of Religious Sciences (28 June 2008)
- CCE, Qualifications framework
- CCE website
- Ecclesiastical Institutions database, specific section of the CEC website
- BOE/Boletín Oficial del Estado num.276, Real Decreto 1619/2011
- CCXIV General Chapter of the Order of the Servants of Mary (October 2019) Commission on the Pontifical Theological Faculty “Marianum” (Hard Copy)
- Conference of the Rectors’ of the Pontifical Roman Universities – Conferenza dei Rettori delle Università Pontificie Romane/CRUIPRO website
- EHEA Bologna Policy Forum, Statement of the fifth Bologna Policy Forum
- EHEA Bologna Policy Forum, ministerial declarations and communiqués
- EHEA, Paris Communiqué adopted at the EHEA Ministerial Conference in Paris (25th May 2018)
- ENQA, EQArep/Transparency of European Higher Education Through Public Quality Assurance Reports – Final report of the project
- ENQA, HAQAA/Transparency of European Higher Education Through Public Quality Assurance Reports – Final report of the project
- Episcopal Conference Italy/Conferenza Episcopale Italiana website
- Episcopal Conference France/Conférence des évêques de France website
- Episcopal Conference Spain/Conferencia Episcopal Española website
- EQAF title: “Quality and trust: at the heart of what we do”
- EUA website
- EUA, 2019: Quality Assurance in Africa, Asia and Europe: differences and similarities, by T. Loukkola
- European Commission/EACEA/Eurydice, 2018. The European Higher Education Area in 2018: Bologna Process Implementation Report. Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union
- European Commission/The Bologna Process and the European Higher Education Area website
- EU-SHARE/European Union support to Higher Education in the Asean Region website
- INQAAHE Guidelines of Good Practice (revised edition 2016)
- International Federation of Catholic Universities/IFUC – Fédération Internationale des Universités Catholiques/FIUC website
- IPSAS standards IPSAS Board website
- LAS, Salesianum 1/LXXXI/2019 (ianuarius-martius) “Veritatis gaudium”, Riccardo Cinquegrani “Quality in relation to certain challenges introduced by Veritatis gaudium”
- NAKVIS-AVEPRO Memorandum of understanding
- NOKUT, Quality areas for study programmes (Hard Copy)
- SUPR/Studenti delle Università Pontificie Romane/Students of the Roman Pontifical Universities website
- UKÄ, Seminar “Universities in defence of science and common good”
- Union des Etablissements d’Enseignement Supérieur Catholique/UDESCA website
- AVEPRO website
- Analysis of the External Evaluation reports 2014-2017 (Hard Copy)
- Analysis of evaluation reports 2012-2014 (Hard Copy)
- Annual Report 2014
- Annual Report 2015
- Annual Report 2016
- Annual Report 2017
- Annual Report 2018
- Annual Report 2019
- Briefings and Agendas 2018-2019 (Hard Copy)
- Budgets 2015-2019 (Hard Copy)
- Economic documents (Hard Copy)
- Elements for a “Mid-term” Self-Assessment
- ESG 2015: Comparative analysis of Guidelines among European QA Agencies
- Evaluation of the HE Ecclesiastical Institutions located in Rome (2015, Hard Copy)
- Evaluation report TEMPLATE (Hard Copy)
- Experts database (Hard Copy)
- Follow up Reports on ENQA Site Visit (2014 and 2016)
- Nature, context, purpose, standards and procedures of Quality evaluation and promotion
- Guidelines for External Evaluation
- Guidelines for Self-Evaluation
- Guidelines on Strategic Planning
- Ecclesiastical higher education system in the global world Rationales of AVEPRO evaluation system
- Insights for the development of Institutional Strategic Plans
- Insights for the evaluation of PhD
- Minutes of the 10th Board of Directors meeting (Hard Copy)
- Minutes of the 9th Board of Directors meeting (Hard Copy)
- Minutes of the 8th Board of Directors meeting (Hard Copy)
- Minutes of the 7th Board of Directors meeting (Hard Copy)
- Minutes of the 6th Board of Directors meeting (Hard Copy)
- Minutes of the 5th Board of Directors meeting (Hard Copy)
- Minutes of the 6th Scientific Council meeting (Hard Copy)
- Minutes of the 5th Scientific Council meeting (Hard Copy)
- President’s evaluation of the staff (Hard Copy)
- Questionnaires for self-evaluation (for teaching staff; students; service unit staff; students service unit)
- Report on the questionnaire 2019
- Statute of the Agency
- Self-Evaluation Report/SER FORM (Hard Copy)
- Self-Evaluation Report/SER analysis FORM (Hard Copy)
- Site visit – sample programme
- Strategic Plan (updated version 2019)
- Summary of evaluation activities at the Italian Faculties of Theology (2015, Hard Copy)
- Summary of evaluation activities conducted at the Ecclesiastical Academic Institutions present in Spain 2016-2018 (Hard Copy)
- Table of contents of the Dossier for the CCE Plenary 2020 (Hard Copy)
- Table of contents of the Dossier for the CCE Plenary 2017 (Hard Copy)
- The Regional/National procedure model
- Training of experts- modules (under revision)
- Evaluation report of the Catholic Theological Private University of Linz (2015)
- Evaluation report of the Theological Faculty at the Vytautas Magnus University’s/VMU (2014)
- Report 2020 Europe